LARRY: I'd like to think I know a thing or two about layout
EDD: You don't even know the layout of your hand let only how to set out a script
Don't get me wrong you can use notepad or word to write a script but then you have to make sure you layout the script in a professional, consistent manner which is very time consuming, I know this because I spent countless months doing it. The preferred option is to get professional writing software which will come pre-programmed with script layouts and many other tools ideal for when you write your script. We use Final Draft which is available to buy for around £100, i know it's expensive but for ease of use it's worth it.
To help you guys out I’ll put a little skit below which we devised a while ago just to give you an idea of how to layout your script
A group of ROMAN SOlLDIERS are standing beside JESUS on the Cross. Drums banging in regimental beat. They are huddle together mumbling, laughing to each other
No you tell him, I'm not saying it, what? OK I'll say it
The huddle of ROMAN SOlLDIERS disburse and stand in a line looking at JESUS, one of the ROMAN SOlLDIERS steps forward
Hey Jesus who you hanging around for
The Group of ROMAN SOlLDIERS try to hold back their laughter but to no avail
Ok, as you can see the Scene heading is in all Caps and is in bold, there is also a three lined spaces until the next potion of script is written. The action section is written with normal font, the music section that is included in the action section has been placed in italics. All character names in the action note section have also been typed in Caps. Now we have a two lined space before a Character name is displayed in Caps. Then directly underneath that we have the dialogue, both the character name and dialogue appear in the middle of the page. This Layout carries on until the end of the Skit.
EDD: That skits alright but it doesn't meet my high standards
LARRY: It's a shame you don't have that same high standards with the girls you pick up, ooohh that girl you had last night was Ugly!
This was just an example skit and has recently been changed into Caption comedy, like the style you find in a newspaper i.e. Dilbert. If you want to check it out in its new format it should be arriving on the home page some time soon.