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Steve done a good Job.

Man had the phone, Steve created the Iphone, man had a pad and Steve created the revolutionary Ipad. In fact I'm sure there was a pod (somewhere) and I guess you know what Steve created there.

The iPAD will change my life…yeah sure.
Well maybe I'm being a little harsh there I mean now I would be able to use the gadget to help with my task when I can't get hold of my portable laptop. Sometimes Laptops are heavy especially the 17 inches.
Being a guy I can relate so much with the state of the art new age technology that can only perform one task at a time, I'm holding my breath as I type at this very moment, wow the productivity is amazing.
You know maybe just looking at it from that point of view is a bit harsh, I mean when the wheel was created it looked pretty obsolete till we added it to a chassis to create the car. Speaking of cars, starting at around £500 and shooting up to £800 I guess it the giant size iPhone that can't make phone calls is affordable
Calabunga. You can surf the web on the iPad using apples browser software and watch videos on you tube. Now that's good to hear I mean I get to watch videos on the web…right? Well not exactly without the flash application 75 % of videos on the web are not available.
"With its crisp, vibrant display and unique software features, iPad is an extraordinary way to enjoy and share your photos. For example, the Photos app displays the photos in an album as though they were in a stack. Just tap the stack, and the whole album opens up. "
Wow so what part can I take the pictures with? Excuse me for a second there I thought you said there wasn't a camera…oh you did. So let me get this straight there are phones out there that dinosaurs have a contract on that take pictures and this space age gadget can't take pictures? Well it's okay I guess I got some pictures on a USB…pardon. Oh there's no USB Port.
Well I guess I know where there are going with this, it's all about the simplicity of doing one thing at a time and unable to newer things of this day and age. You can hook up a apple keyboard to it so it's like a erm…I forget what does things are called…laptops. To be real the Ipad will become revolutionary there just holding back on us I'm sure Ipad 2.0 will have a camera and who knows what's in store when Ipad 10.0 comes out with OS XII.

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