LARRY: Ah man you made it rhyme then you had to ruin it.
EDD: HAHA..Hey Larry he kinda looks like you.
LARRY: know what I didn't expect that from you.
As I was saying. Kanye west featured on the Aniated Comedy Family Guy spin off show Cleveland show. Kenny West raps off with Cleveland Jr after he tries making a move for Kenny's girlfriend at a party. Cleveland wins the rap battle in the end but steps aside when he finds out that Kenny and his girlfriend have a child together.
Mike Henry- executive producer was surprised that Kanye had agreed to the lost.
Mike said ' It was wonderfully surprising how cool he was, how funny he was and how unassuming he was'.
EDD: Kanye has also been a victim..I mean guest on South Park.
LARRY: Nahh Victim seems like the right word.
South Park have picked at a lot of celebrities and Kanye West's Ego was one that shone bright enough for them to shed light on. Maybe Kanye West guest appearance will-
LARRY: Hold up. Imma let you finish but I JUST WANTED TO SAY. Cleveland show has the funniest characters of all time!
EDD: ha-ha What appearance was better? Gay Fish or Sing like a robot.
If you havn't seen the Cleveland Show watch the pilot here and be the judge Gay Fish or Sing like a Robot.
EDD: HAHA..Hey Larry he kinda looks like you.
LARRY: know what I didn't expect that from you.
As I was saying. Kanye west featured on the Aniated Comedy Family Guy spin off show Cleveland show. Kenny West raps off with Cleveland Jr after he tries making a move for Kenny's girlfriend at a party. Cleveland wins the rap battle in the end but steps aside when he finds out that Kenny and his girlfriend have a child together.
Mike Henry- executive producer was surprised that Kanye had agreed to the lost.
Mike said ' It was wonderfully surprising how cool he was, how funny he was and how unassuming he was'.
LARRY: Nahh Victim seems like the right word.
South Park have picked at a lot of celebrities and Kanye West's Ego was one that shone bright enough for them to shed light on. Maybe Kanye West guest appearance will-
LARRY: Hold up. Imma let you finish but I JUST WANTED TO SAY. Cleveland show has the funniest characters of all time!
EDD: ha-ha What appearance was better? Gay Fish or Sing like a robot.
If you havn't seen the Cleveland Show watch the pilot here and be the judge Gay Fish or Sing like a Robot.