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MW2 Map pack to be released on the PS3! We've waited over a dam month to get these new maps and now we have to wait some dam MORE!!!

Millions of MW2 fans logged onto the ps3 store to find that the map pack nowhere to be seen. What's this you say when you play MW2 online it's saying that the map pack is available on the ps3 store, wait maybe I missed it before, nope it just ain't their!

This of course has been going on all morning, we were to wait till 3-4 UK time and we'd be able to buy them, but yet this has come and gone. My best guess is that we will get them Wednesday morning (tomorrow)

EDD: Is it just me or with everyone waiting an extra month to get these maps the least we could of expected was Sony to pull there finger out and give us the maps on time

LARRY: Maybe now we'll get the maps at a reduced price; LOLOLOLOL

Well as disappointed as I am I still can't wait for the chance to play the maps, even thought those rich fat cats at Sony should get there act together.

Any thoughts or information about the release date comment below   

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