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You must of had those moments where you've been sent a chain letter and not sending it on will spell unfortunate incidents to occur within the next 10 minutes or even scarier while you sleep. Now I see that as threat and an empty one at that but Spam is something that ruins the thought of getting an email form someone important. Or am I just being too excited?

EDD: I'd say your right. Spam gets me all the time. Who would send such stupid things.
LARRY:...what? you expected me to come with a punchline about how I send spam around?
EDD: Well yeah. That's how it goes. They set you up and I knock you down.
LARRY: Well not this time but I'd admit I like spam not the email junk but to eat.
EDD: Spam?
LARRY: Yep check this out. Monty Python's SPAM Sketch. 

LARRY: Send this post out to at least ten people within the next erm... lets say 5 minutes. Or Jason, you know the hockey mask guy will come and haunt you...Just joking. Hope you enjoyed the sketch.

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