We all know the pros and minor cons of MW2 so we'll just focus on what’s good about "Bad" company 2.
EDD: Good about 'Bad' Company. Ha, I see what you did there!
I'd like to start with the fact that the Single player in essence is rubbish, absolute s*** (that doesn't mean Super- three star) doesn't come anywhere near MW2... but at the end of the day who cares?
LARRY: Unless of course your a loaner like Edd who's got no friends to play with
It's all about online game play and this is where bad company 2 excels. First of the maps are 4 times the size of MW2 biggest maps and they have sparse detailed environments, plenty of space and camouflage to snipe people :)
Next you can drive a variety of tanks, choppers, jet skis, quad bikes, UAV’s and more - this basically takes the place of kill streaks that you would find in MW2 as you don't get no rewards for multi kills in bad company as it's based more on team work -- not that it stops anyone getting kill streaks.
For all you campers out there bad company, if you don't know it takes sniping to a different level. It is so much more realistic than MW2, if you are making a long sniper shot depending on how far you are actually away you will have to aim above the person to hit them as the bullet will dip over the distance, also the same applies if someone is running you will have to aim in front of them. I must say as a MW2 player it takes some getting use to especially shooting moving targets but once you do figure it out it is awesome.
The next point I'm going to mention is the fact that Lag is not really an issue on bad company; it just hardly has lag at all; Excellent
My advice even if you have the COD games go and buy battlefield bad Company as it's not a 1 minute wonder you will actually play it as much as MW2
If anyone disagrees feel free to comment but don’t knock the game before you tried it